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Core Values

We are a G-S.A.F.E. church who believes in demonstrating the love of christ outlined in key principles and scripture found below.

Image by Hannah Busing



We will demonstrate the love of God by leading the way through irrational giving. We will give away any and every thing we can to help others. We truly believe that it is more a blessing to give than to receive.  Acts 20:35



We believe we were put on this Earth as ambassadors for God. So we will tirelessly give ourselves to being the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. Proverbs 3:27

Food Packing
Colorful Friends



We believe God made no mistakes in his creation of humankind. Therefore, we will fully embrace, in love, all people without regard of their race, economic status, sexual orientation, or life struggle. 1 Peter 3:8



We believe in a limitless God. So we take pleasure in living out on the edge of faith, always expecting God to do the supernatural through us and not only for us. And will not insult God with small thinking. Hebrews 10:38 

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky
Silhouette of Cross Against Sky



We believe there is greatness in everyone and we refuse to allow that greatness to lie dormant. We are committed to identify and develop that greatness to release leaders to impact the world. Philippians 4:13

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